Biden Administration Bans Huawei

 Reuters: The Biden administration increases new restrictions on Huawei suppliers.

Huawei LoGo

British Reuters reported on the 12th that the US Biden administration has increased new restrictions on Huawei's suppliers.

The report quoted sources as saying that the Biden administration this week revised the licenses of relevant companies that sell products to Huawei, which further restricted the supply of products that can be used in 5G equipment by these companies.

Two of the sources also revealed that the above changes may destroy the existing contracts signed by these companies with Huawei. These contracts were originally based on the licenses previously approved by these suppliers, but after the license is revised, they may not be able to continue to perform the current contracts.

According to the report, a spokesperson for the US Department of Commerce declined to comment and stated that the licensing information is confidential.

Reuters said that the above actions show that the Biden administration is strengthening its tough stance on Huawei's exports. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian previously responded to the US's crackdown on Huawei and other Chinese companies, saying that China firmly opposes the US deliberately discrediting and suppressing Huawei and other Chinese companies.

USA President Biden

 For a period of time, the US has generalized the concept of national security, abused national power, and imposed various restrictive measures on Chinese companies such as Huawei without any real evidence. This is a naked hegemonic act. 

Zhao Lijian said that it must be emphasized that what the US has done has completely pierced the "figure sheet" of the market economy and fair competition principles that the US has always advertised, violated international trade rules, and undermined the global industrial chain, supply chain, and value chain, which will surely harm American national interests and self-image.

The report quoted sources as saying that the Biden administration this week revised the licenses of relevant companies that sell products to Huawei, which further restricted the supply of products that can be used in 5G equipment by these companies.

Two of the sources also revealed that the above changes may destroy the existing contracts signed by these companies with Huawei. These contracts were originally based on the licenses previously approved by these suppliers, but after the license is revised, they may not be able to continue to perform the current contracts.

According to the report, a spokesperson for the US Department of Commerce declined to comment and stated that the licensing information is confidential.

Reuters said that the above actions show that the Biden administration is strengthening its tough stance on Huawei's exports. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian previously responded to the US's crackdown on Huawei and other Chinese companies, saying that China firmly opposes the US deliberately discrediting and suppressing Huawei and other Chinese companies. For a period of time, the US has generalized the concept of national security, abused national power, and imposed various restrictive measures on Chinese companies such as Huawei without any real evidence. 

This is a naked hegemonic act. Zhao Lijian said that it must be emphasized that what the US has done has completely pierced the "figure sheet" of the market economy and fair competition principles that the US has always advertised, violated international trade rules, and undermined the global industrial chain, supply chain, and value chain, which will surely harm American national interests and self-image.


In a hurry to eliminate Huawei and ZTE equipment, the US government has to spend another US$1.9 billion]

(Observer Network News) The US authorities are very urgent to eliminate Huawei and ZTE equipment.

According to Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, on the 17th local time, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) passed a proposal called the "Secure and Trusted Network Compensation Program" in its first meeting since Biden took power.

In the proposal, the FCC plans to allocate US$1.9 billion on the grounds of "national security" to help American rural network operators speed up the dismantling and replacement of Huawei and ZTE equipment.

At the same time, the conditions for operators to obtain compensation have been relaxed again: previously, operators that meet the compensation conditions had up to 2 million users; now, operators with less than 10 million users can get compensation.

The FCC stated that it hopes to modify the rules for the use of compensation funds so that operators can use the money to dismantle, replace or use other methods to deal with related equipment and services purchased, leased or otherwise obtained before June 30, 2020.

At the same time, FCC Acting Chairman Jessica Rosenworcel described the decision to "remove and replace" Huawei and ZTE equipment as "critical." When talking about the reasons, she once again mentioned the "vulnerabilities" in the equipment and the possibility of "threatening the security of American communications."

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