The Transparent Display is Coming 2022

 Recently, the Chinese research group of Professor Zhang Xiaoan of Jilin University in China has developed a new electrochromic technology. 

Transparent Display

This technology develops a non-emissive transparent display by using the dynamic coordination interaction between metal ions and ligands. 

The display has the characteristics of high contrast and can achieve a colourless transparent state to coloured transparent state under-voltage stimulation. The reversible transformation. By changing the types of dye molecules, the display can display different colours. 

This technology lays the foundation for many future applications. On March 11, this research was published in the journal Chem, a journal of Cell Press.

Zhang Yumo, associate professor of the School of Chemistry at Jilin University and the corresponding author of the paper, said: “In today's rapid development of the Internet of Things, objects are connected to each other through software. Every piece of glass such as windows and mirrors may become the carrier of future displays. Therefore, vision-friendly transparency Displays will develop rapidly. Our technology is a key step in achieving transparent, vision-friendly displays."

By applying different voltages, the electrochromic display can continuously and reversibly switch between coloured and faded states. 

This feature is expected to be applied to electrochromic windows, energy-saving electronic price tags, electronic billboards, anti-glare rearview mirrors, augmented virtual reality, artificial irises and other fields. However, the current technology still has some limitations, such as low contrast, poor stability, and limited colour types. These limitations limit the practical application of electrochromic displays.

To overcome these shortcomings, Dr Yuyang Wang and his colleagues developed a simple chemical method. 

Voltage stimulation is used to control the change of the valence state of the metal ion, which in turn affects the coordination and dissociation process of the metal ion and the dye molecule, and induces the change of the structure and colour of the dye molecule.

"It is different from traditional electrochromic materials where the colour change reaction site and the redox reaction site are at the same position. The colour change site and the redox site of this new type of material are at different reaction sites. 

The dye molecule can be replaced. It is easy to realize the display of multiple colours." Zhang Yumo said.

The researchers used a binder and indium tin oxide electrodes to prepare an electrochromic device and added a mixed solution consisting of metal salts, dye molecules, electrolytes and solvents to the device. 

Next, they conducted a series of in-situ spectroscopy and electrochemical tests on the device. Through testing, the researchers found that the display device has a high display contrast. 

By changing different types of dye molecules, it can display multiple colours of magenta, yellow, red, green, blue, black, pink, purple, grey and black. . Especially for the most important black display in commercial applications, the display device can reversibly switch between colourless and black, and has high white light contrast and high colouring efficiency, which will facilitate the practical application of transparent displays.

Zhang Yumo said: "This type of electrochromic device is low-cost and simple to prepare, making it very suitable for large-scale production and commercial applications."

In the next step, researchers will continue to make efforts in optimizing display performance and device manufacturing technology, so that this type of display technology can meet the actual needs of high-end displays.

Zhang Yumo said: "We hope that more scientific researchers can join hands to overcome the difficulties encountered and promote the commercialization of electrochromic technology."


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