Word Content Counter
Words: The king of the wordsThere may be certain times when instead of wanting to know the word count of your own writing, you'd like to know a website's word count. That is, you'd like to know the word count for a website without having to actually count all the words on the page by hand. Website Word Count is a tool which will do exactly that for you. It's a website word counter created specifically so you can find out the number of words on any page on the Internet.
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Word Content Counter |
All you need to know is the URL of a web page, place it into the tool, and you can find out exactly how many words are on that page by hitting the "count" button. The tool will count the words on the website's page and instantly provide that number to you.These are the ones who snuffed the wordsIf sometimes we have a hard time filling in the spaces, other times call for a reduction of words. There really are instances where we go way beyond the assigned word count, and our piece becomes too long that we lose the reader’s interest. For these cases, you need to decide which points are crucial for your piece, and which ones you can cut out. If, after this, your work is still over the word count, then try rephrasing what you’ve written. Shorten long phrases by replacing them with something more concise. For example, instead of saying “is able to” you can go for the simpler “can. ” You can also decrease your word count by limiting the use of flowery words. Sometimes, it’s really better to be direct, simple, and straight to the point.Evenbetter, the best common words of the weekEven better, this website word counter will also provide you with a list of the keywords used on the page you request. Not only will you know how many word are written on the page, you'll also know the most common words used on the page. The keyword density list is broken down into two parts. On the left, the tool displays a list of the most common words used on the page entered. The list on the right documents the keyword density of the page excluding all commonly used words (this gives a better indication of what the main topic of the page happens to be, and the keywords used for that topic).
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0 words 0 characters 0 characters without spaces 0 unique words 0 sentences 0 paragraph