14 Ways to increase Page Views of your Blog

How to increase the number of blog visits is an old talk. In fact, another statistic is also important for bloggers: page views.


How to increase your page Viewers:

      Many website traffic statistics services provide both data at the same time-"Visit" counts the number of visitors, while page views count the number of pages on your blog viewed by these visitors.

      For different blogs, the page views of each visitor will be different, but it is not a bad thing to hope that this number can be fresher:

    • Return rate: The more pages a reader browses, the more likely he is to visit again.
    • Revenue: Most of the ads placed on the blog are impression-based, which means that the more times they are viewed, the more likely they are to be clicked.

      The purpose of blogging is different, so it's easy to listen to it if you want to increase page views first. For those who want this statistic to rise, here are 14 suggestions:

    1. Link to your own articles:

      This may be the easiest way to increase page traffic, and that is to add links to your own articles to point to other articles of your own. Self-selling and boasting may be a bit funny, but if it is a link to some previously written articles on a related or the same topic, I believe it is still a favourite of readers. Many bloggers will write on the same topic multiple times on their blogs. Linking these articles together will undoubtedly show the depth of your discussion on this topic.

    2. Highlight related articles:

      If you don’t want to add a link to the previous article inside the article, it is a good alternative to separate a "Related post" section (you can see my related entries in the sidebar) ), and related articles by the original author and the owner of ProBlogger are placed after each article and highlighted with a yellow background). WordPress has a special plug-in that can automatically achieve this function (named related posts). Of course, if you want to do it manually, you can just add some links to the article related to this article for readers' reference at the end of the article.

    3. Join an email subscription or article update reminder service:

      The author of the original text has tasted the sweetness of increasing page views through e-mail subscriptions. Readers who subscribed through e-mail will notice a section called "hot posts" when they receive the latest news from ProBlogger and organize their income in this section. The 5 most popular articles of the week. Because different readers pay attention to different articles, it is possible that some people have only read some of the articles. After adding "hot posts", this part of readers will be interested in those articles that have not been read. As a result, while increasing the "views", it also increases the "page views". Other subscription services that update via email should also be effective (such as Zoooda and Feedburner  Socialspark both have this feature).

    4. Highlight important articles in eye-catching positions:

      ProBlogger has three highlighted menu bars on the upper part of the page, which contain some introduction or prompt articles, such as what is a blog, blog design tips and the like. Through the author's observation, many readers will carefully read the article here. This will undoubtedly increase the page volume.

    5. "Several big...":

      This kind of "most..." or "a few big..." articles that link to multiple pages always seem to arouse readers' interest. For example, the "Top Twenty Most Popular Articles" often become must-read articles for first-time readers, and this, in turn, guides them to read them side by side, which is a good way.

    6. Write a series:

      Writing a series of articles to increase page volume has two meanings. First of all, during the time of writing this series, readers will be attracted back from time to time because they want to see what you have written in your next article; secondly, after you finish this series, if you can These articles are all linked together (references 1 and 2), so that readers will read the entire series from beginning to end (of course it is composed of multiple pages). The original author has written a series of beginner blog guides, and every reader who reads this series from beginning to end will have to read 30 to 40 articles (Khan).

    7. Output summary on the homepage:

      Output only the summary or only part of the article on the homepage, and then link to a separate page through a "read the complete article" link, so that if you want to see the complete article, you have to go to a separate page. I have to say that this will be very annoying, so many people don't do it. However, for long articles, this not only makes the homepage look more rigorous but also increases the page volume invisibly.

    8. Projects or special topics:

      Similar to the previous series of articles, for example, the blogs of many theme designers use the establishment of a theme plan to attract people who pay attention to the theme to see the progress of the work from time to time. Similar things such as holding discussions or competitions can also achieve the same effect. However, the primary purpose of these great people is not to limit the page volume, the page volume is just a by-product.

    9. Only output summary in aggregation:

      This is not ashamed of me. Even the original author does not do this. Although your page visits may increase in this way, I feel that both the reader and the author are not worth the gain. In such a society where "you have pressure, I have pressure", everyone's time is precious, and the purpose of aggregation is to save time and resources. So when I saw a blog that only outputs a summary, I responded and deleted it from my Bloglines. It is strongly recommended that all bloggers output complete articles in the aggregation!

    10. Lure aggregate readers to visit the page:

      Compared to the practice of outputting abstracts, I think this is preferable. Not through force, but through some techniques, such as voting, attracting readers to participate in comments, or internal links to bring readers to your page.

    11. Interaction:

      The more readers participate, the greater the chance of return visits and the more pages. Many readers who participated in the comments or voting will return to see the responses of others. The response itself brought two page views. As far as comments are concerned, reading the article once is a page visit, and leaving a comment is another. Similarly, it is best not to regard this as the primary purpose of attracting messages, communication is fundamental. The interaction mainly occurs in the message part, of course, voting and other tools should also be effective.

    12. Attract reader comments:

      There are several ways to effectively achieve this goal: such as displaying the latest comments in the sidebar through a plug-in, providing a special aggregation for comments, or providing the option of subscribing to comments by email.

    13, search:

      By adding a search function to facilitate readers to retrieve the articles you wrote before, you can also increase the page volume. There are many ways to achieve this function. Most topics have a built-in search engine, Google’s AdSense also provides such a service, readers can choose to search this site or the entire network, and if they click on an ad on the search results page, it can also bring you here is a little outer piece.

    14. Leave homework for your readers:

      The original author cites one of his blogs that provide photography skills as an example. Because it is to provide readers with some photography tips, it is very natural to put some "homework" at the end of the article so that the readers can try it by themselves. In this way, readers will often return visits. On the one hand, this trick or teaching is mostly step-by-step, so they will often open your page and follow your instructions step by step; on the other hand, many people will I want to show you the results of their homework.

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