SEO Settings for Meta TAGS in pages2022

   In the process of SEO optimization, the Meta tags in the webpage code can be said to have a pivotal position in the keyword ranking of the website. 

SEO Settings for Meta TAGS in pages2021

If SEO personnel can write on the Meta tags suitable for search engines, it can be greatly improved. Improving the ranking of a website is also conducive to the inclusion of site content, so adding a Meta value to each page has become one of the indispensable tasks in SEO.

Meta tags refer to some file tags in the HTML file of a web page, the most important of which are: title tag Title, description tag Description and keyword tag Keyword. Of course, if you like, you can also put the information you want. For example, like the author, software version, etc., but not too much, because too many tags in the front will push the body content of your webpage to the back of the file, which is very unfavourable for optimizing rankings.


1. What is a Meta TAG:

       Meta is an auxiliary tag in the head area of ​​the HTML language. It is used to simulate the response-header message of the HTTP protocol in an HTML document. The META tag is used to describe the attributes of an HTML web page document, such as author, date and time, web page description, and key. Words, page refresh, etc.

        Search engines generally use robots to automatically find Meta values ​​to classify web pages. There are two attributes: name and HTTP-Equiv.

        The name attribute is mainly used to describe web pages, corresponding to content (web page content), so that search engine robots can find and classify.

        In addition to facilitating indexing by search engines, Meta is actually a standardized web page standard. Only when Meta is improved, an HTML page can be considered a complete web page.

 Generally, Meta values ​​exist in the following ways on web pages:

<META NAME="Title" CONTENT="Webpage title">
  <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Webpage author description">

Meta also has many expression functions, such as adding various information such as keywords and descriptions required by SEO to the web page.

2. The role of Meta TAGS:

     The META tag is a key tag in the HEAD area of ​​the HTML tag. It is located between the <head> and <title> of the HTML document (some are not between <head> and <title>). 

      The information it provides is not visible to the user. , But it is the most basic meta-information of a document. In addition to providing basic information such as document character set, language, author, etc., <meta> also involves the setting of keywords and web page levels.

     Therefore, in the content of online marketing methods such as search engine registration and search engine optimization ranking, the role of META tags is usually discussed.

      We can even say that the content design of META tags is a crucial factor for search engine marketing. Reasonable use of the Description and Keywords attributes of the Meta tag, and adding keywords to the website or keywords on the web page, can make the website’s SEO optimization rankings quickly increase and closer to the user experience.

      As you can see from the HTML code example, there are three places where meta is contained in a piece of code, and meta does not exist independently but must be connected with other attributes, such as description, keywords, HTTP-equiv, etc.

3. Understand the important parameters of Meta:

        For SEO people, the most important thing is the title of a web page. The title is the title of a web page. This is the most important part of a web page. At present, the ranking of web pages by search engines is mostly based on this parameter.

         In most websites, in addition to the page title, there are the following types of Meta tags that are more common and have a direct connection with SEO:


      The keyword tag of the page, this tag can be used to extract the keyword information of the website, which is more important in SEO.


       The website content description tag, which is an overview of the entire web page content, is used to describe the general content of the web page.


        This tag is used to tell search engine robots, that is, program files that automatically crawl web pages, and indicate which pages need to be indexed and which pages do not need to be indexed.

        The parameters are all, none, index, noindex, follow, and nofollow, which respectively indicate whether the page can be included. This tag is the most important. If you set it carelessly, it may cause the search engine to stop indexing.

        Here, I remind everyone that SEO staff need to pay attention to: the title must be filled in based on the actual content of the page, preferably a specific description of the content of the page, do not set it as a column name or website name, if it is a homepage file, then You need to avoid naming things like "website homepage", it's better to use the name of the website.

4. SEO settings for Meta tags:

        For our search engine optimization, we already know the most important tags, but how should we optimize these tags? Below, we will explain in detail.

1. Description:

        The description of the webpage should be filled in according to the actual content of the website. Many webmasters will fill in the description of the website at will, or pile up a lot of keywords in the description. These are bad behaviours for SEO, such as a site that focuses on SEO knowledge and information. , Its description Meta tag can be written like this:

<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Ma Haixiang’s blog provides you with a wealth of practical information such as SEO optimization knowledge, the latest SEO techniques, and SEO software downloads.">

Such a description not only summarizes the content of the entire website, but also highlights the keyword software, and descriptions like "some websites are the best portal" and "some website ×××" are due to ignoring the website The main keywords of the search engine are confused.

2. Keywords on the webpage:

Similar to the "description" in the META tag, "Keywords" is also used to describe the attributes of a web page, except that the content to be listed is "keywords", not the introduction of the web page. Choose appropriate keywords for the subject and content.

In this regard, it is recommended that when selecting keywords, SEO personnel should consider them not only related to the core content of the webpage but also easy for users to retrieve through search engines. Uncommon vocabulary is not suitable for keywords in META tags.


      Since web keywords have been used extensively for optimization, their importance to search engines is not as important as before, but improving the keyword tags of web pages can still play a certain role.

      Take an SEO knowledge website as an example. Its keywords can be written like this:

<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="Novice learning SEO, SEO basic knowledge, SEO application, SEO learning">

We often use large and comprehensive keywords to describe, such as "SEO" and "SEO skills" and other very popular keywords, but for most sites, using similar keywords will not have any effect on improving rankings. Because the search volume of these keywords is very large, only portals with very high weights are likely to get better rankings for these keywords.

5. Apply Meta to the website:

     After we beautify the Meta tags, the most important step is to apply them to the website. For static pages, just add Meta directly to the <head> tag of the web page source code.

       For websites that use CMS open source programs to build websites, you can directly add tags in the management background of the website, such as the dedeCMS system, you can directly enter the background "basic system parameters" to set keywords and brief content.


      In the past two or three years ago, most people believe that search engines will give higher weight to title tags, but description tags and keyword tags, search engines may consider description and keyword tags as a small factor in ranking, But the weight should be very low or even completely ignored.

      Because of this, many search engine optimization practitioners basically do not put any energy on tags. In fact, Ma Haixiang thinks this is a bit overkill. There are signs that even if Google does not consider descriptions and keyword tags as ranking factors, Google does These tags will be crawled into the database. The most obvious thing is that, for example, on a website made entirely of flash, the description text used in the search ranking of this website is generally grabbed from the description tag.

       At the same time, since all search engine ranking algorithms are confidential and constantly changing, no one can guarantee that in the future search engines will never value these tags. It is very possible that description and keyword tags have always been ranking algorithms. One of the factors is just a small proportion.

       Therefore, every web page should be carefully written with good titles, keywords and description tags, at least it does no harm.

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