Altair Activate 2021 Business Edition

 Altair Activate 2021 Business  is a powerful and most advanced multidisciplinary system simulation tool, The software's open and smart integration platform can be applied to inherent one-dimensional graphs to model, simulate and optimize multidisciplinary systems. 

Altair Activate 2021 Business Edition

Based on signal blocks and object-oriented physical components and mixed block diagram modeling quality environment of electrical and electronic systems, multiple physical fields can be analyzed throughout the development cycle. 

The software system can be used as a system to model and simulate various products, so as to find better design solutions more quickly. Products in various industries are becoming more and more complex and electrified, but they are becoming more intelligent and interconnected. 

The software's intuitive block diagram environment is integrated with modern user interface, enabling users to quickly build charts. Generally speaking, this system can simulate the quality and performance of the entire product, and understand the overall data of the product better and faster. 

The Altair Activate 2021 Business version includes a new result viewer, Modelica compiler, spice simulator, block diagram editor and new user interface functions, activate, activate in the Fluidon library, new function modules in the Modelica and hydraulics libraries, and various Kind of enhancements and problems solved.

Installation tutorial:

1. Download and unzip on this site, as shown in the figure,

Altair Activate 2021 Business Edition Setup installation 1

2. Double-click AltairActivate2021_win64.exe to run the installation, check I accept the terms of the license agreement

Altair Activate 2021 Business Edition Setup installation 2

3. Select the software installation path

Instructions for use:

1. Create, open and import the model:

1. Create a new model file and start assembling the new model:

On the ribbon, click the "File" tool, or select "File"> "New" from the menu bar.

A new modeling window will open for you to create a model.

2. Open the model to open an existing .scm model file:

On the ribbon, click the "File" tool:

In the "Open File" dialog box, navigate to your working directory and select a .scm model file.

The model file will open in a new window.

3. Save the model to save the current model:

On the ribbon, click the "File" tool: or select "File"> "Save" from the menu bar.

The current model is saved with the extension .scm. This is a text file that contains the entire model definition. If the model has not been saved before, the "Save As" dialog box will open for you to name and save the model to the working directory.

4. Import block:

Loads the block into the current model as an inline .scb file that does not reference the library or source definition.

The import option can inline a block .scb file so that the file neither points to nor depends on the block definition in the library source. This operation does not display the block icon.

In the menu bar, select File>Import.

In the Import File dialog box, navigate to the blocked file you want to import, and select Open.

The imported block will be inserted into the current model .scm file.

2. Browse the model Navigate:

within the model hierarchy and between multiple diagrams.

You can browse the model hierarchy in three ways: from the diagram displayed in the modeling window, from the project browser or from the navigation bar. The example below shows you the main image of the bouncing ball model and the options for navigating in it.

1. Modeling window:

Double-click the super block in the main diagram of the model.

The main diagram closes and displays the diagram inside the super block. You can continue to drill through each layer of the super block in this way.

2. Double-click the super block on the tree in the project browser:

The blocks inside the super block are displayed in the tree and in the modeling window.

3. Click the navigation icon on the navigation bar:

The navigation will open and list the main graph and its associated super blocks.

Software function introduction:

1. Result Viewer:

Through the "Result Viewer", you can view the data of all blocks, including Modelica blocks and FMU. To generate a result file (.mtsf), select the "Create Result File" option in the "Simulation Preferences" and then run the simulation.

2. Modelica:

1. Modelica compiler: The

compiler now uses different weights for default and user-defined input values ​​to improve variable initialization.

2. Modelica Extras palette. The new Modelica Extras palette contains the Activate utility block, which can be used with Modelica in the Activate model. The new organization provides easy access to commonly used block sets.

3. Modelica block The

Modelica library provides new blocks:

• Modelica Expression (MoExpression): The output of this block is a real scalar value obtained by evaluating the Modelica expression specified as the block parameter. The expression is given in terms of variables u1,...un (unless a custom input name is used), where ui is the i-th scalar input.

• Modelica constraint (MoConstraint): The module outputs a Modelica signal, so its input remains zero.

• The "Block" category of the Modelica Standard library can now be accessed from the Modelica panel.

3. Spice simulation:

1. Use Spice model to perform AC analysis.

This function is suitable for super blocks that only contain HyperSpice blocks. Dedicated blocks can be used to define AC analysis options (frequency) and required output (curve). The voltage source module in the HyperSpice library has been expanded to allow the definition of AC power properties.

Four, fluid hydraulic Fluidon hydraulic block

The following new blocks are provided in the Fluiding by Fluidon library:

• ResistorTableQp: A resistor with a lookup table Q (Δp).

• ResistorTableQpx: A resistor with a look-up table Q(Δp, x).

•ResistorTableAx: Resistance with look-up table, used to look up the cross section of valve opening A(x).

• PropValveXXPT2TableAx: Directional valves 2/2, 3/3, and 4/3, with a look-up table for the cross-sectional

metering edge of each valve opening A (x) .

• PropValveXXPT2TableQpx: Directional valves 2/2, 3/3, and 4/3, with look-up tables, for flow Q (Δp, x) at each metering edge.

Hydraulic system of Fluidon model:

 The following new circuit models are available in the Fluiding by Fluidon library and can be accessed from the "Demo Browser".

The following new functions are provided in the block activation library:

• FormattedString: This block simulates C/C++ snprintf function. • Encoder: This block is available in the Arduino library.

Sixth, user interface and block diagram editor

project browser, property editor and UI provide new options:

• The "collapse all models" option in the context menu of the project browser is available.

• When changing the model on disk during the session, warnings and tips will remind you.

• Extended options can be used to control the display of objects in the project browser.

•The attribute editor supports multi-line editing.

Other changes and enhancements activated

can be used in the project browser, attribute editor, user interface, code generation, co-simulation and activation block.

1. Project browser, property editor and user interface

• Status messages will be displayed during compilation.

• Batch mode vssRunSimulation has optional parameters.

• The block dialog box displays the row number on the table.

• Read-only elements are no longer highlighted.

•The number of visible items in the block dialog table is now limited only by the height of the dialog.

• A new function returns the current model path for true batch mode.

• Mask editor updates include increasing size and adding sorting parameters.

Miscellaneous block:

•Extend the transmission function module to support MIMO situation.

• This document has been further developed for all the various From blocks.

Code generation:

•Added support for conditionalselect and conditionalNselect blocks.

• Operations in code generation (inline code) have been vectorized.

• P project code generation now supports RealTime blocks.

Co-simulation with Altair MotionSolve and Altair Flux:

• Co-simulating MotionSolve with Altair now supports MotionSolve models in Python format.

• The "Flux Block" dialog now avoids modifying inputs and outputs after loading F2STA.

The problem to be solve:

• The "Find" button in the GetSignal block should not search for signal definitions in the atomic super block.

• Python blocks with non-embedded scripts do not work.

• Sampling clock block offset problem.

• In the event of an initial event, it is issued in the JumpStateSpace block.

• If the variable does not exist, GetFromBase should not create a variable in base.

• In some cases, the port label is not displayed.

• The image of the Modelica block InverseBlockConstraints block is incorrect.

• Code generation of EdgeTrigger block does not work properly.

• When the variable cannot be found, the SignalIn block should not raise an error.

• The vertical spacing of the parameters in the block dialog box.

• In some cases, code generation (using inline code) failed.

• The PAUSE requested by the END block when the event is initialized will not be ignored.

• The FMU export of the hydraulic block fails with the following error: The array index is out of range.

• The Find operation of the GetSignal block can correctly handle the signal name.

• When opening a new file from the "Curve Editor", the new file name will not be updated in the block parameters.

• Opening a file in the "Curve Editor" does not update the dialog title to show the new name.

• When the view is switched from the tree view to the icon view, the search string in the palette browser disappears.

• Model report title color problem.

• When loading data from a .csv file, the curve editor should not change the curve color.

• When using a relative path, the Modelica block should look for data files in the current model directory.

• The simulation is hung in the MotionSolve co-simulation model with no input and no output.

• When the MQTTPUB and MQTTSUB blocks generate a connection error, the activation simulation cannot be stopped.

• For Linux64, the FMU export function of some models will hang.

• OML exit function parameters are ignored.

• When using the default value, the fixed=true flag will not be propagated to the generated Modelica code.

• False splits created by extended super block operations.

• Inline code generation issues when handling FALSE.

•Curve Editor.csv reader cannot handle files with many blank lines.

• The HyperSpice pulse source lacks pulses.

• After activation, the laster OML command gives an error message.

• CCustomBlock should support UINT64, INT64 and POINTER types.

• Code generation (using inline code) for FMU export issues of MatrixExpression blocks.

• Use IfExpressions block to generate code for FMU export issues (using inline code).

• It is not possible to name the first model of the Modelica package as the package itself.

• On the Linux platform, using the system command to execute Activate_batch does not apply to double quotes.

• For some Flux co-simulation parameters, some text is missing in the OML command window.

• When generating code for FMU (using inline code) through the LookupTable block, many errors occur.




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